


    更新時(shí)間:2016-12-19 16:03:08 點(diǎn)擊次數:3051次

    Adjust the gap in various parts of Shandong loader is loaded very easy to be ignored in the machine maintenance, because sometimes the loader fails, some maintenance personnel only consider to replace faulty components, did not take into account the gap is caused by unreasonable.

    不注意檢測裝載機零部件配合間隙的現象為數不少,實(shí)際裝載機維修工作中,不測量配合間隙而盲目裝配零部件的現象也為數不少,由于這樣錯誤的維修操作,導致裝載機的軸承早期磨損或燒蝕、柴油發(fā)電機燒機油、起動(dòng)困難或爆燃、活塞環(huán)折斷、機件撞擊、漏油、漏氣等故障。有時(shí)甚至會(huì )因山東裝載機零部件配合間隙不當,導致機械嚴重損壞事故的發(fā)生。

    Do not pay attention to detection of Shandong loader parts with the gap number, the actual loading machine maintenance work, do not measure the clearance of assembly parts and blind phenomenon are many, such as the wrong maintenance operation, lead loader bearing wear or early ablation, diesel generator, burning oil or deflagration, difficult to start the piston ring broken, mechanical impact, oil spills, leakage and other faults. Sometimes even because of Shandong loader parts with improper clearance, resulting in serious mechanical damage accident.

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